Summer Reading Review

The past two months have been filled with traveling which means audiobooks in cars and reading on planes. Overall it was an okay summer of reading with mostly 4-star reads, two great 5-stars, and two disappointing 3-stars. Let’s check out my recent reads below!

1. The Maidens by Alex Michaelides


This was one of my first audiobooks of the summer, so I have vivid memories of listening to this one on early morning walks in July. Here is my review from Goodreads:

I’m not really sure how to feel about this one…I still really love the author’s writing, so it kept my attention and interest throughout the book. However, I’m not totally sure how I feel about the ending/reveal. I will say I did not predict it, but I don’t know that I liked it either. It feels a little less realistic than the Silent Patient, and I just wasn’t really satisfied by it. Still an interesting setting and characters for sure!

2. Reckless Girls by Rachel Hawkins


Another audiobook that brings back memories of folding laundry on dark summer nights. I had mixed feelings about this one, but here’s my Goodreads review:

While the drama between each of our characters was obnoxious at times, the twist at the end made everything worth it! I liked the hints towards weird things happening on the island and I wish there had been even more of that to build up increased suspense, but plenty of shady things were going on – no one was to be trusted. Our main character was quite the idiot, but it didn’t ruin the story for me. The setting really helped hold my interest through the parts that were less exciting.

3. The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis


Definitely one of my favorite Narnia books so far! We listened to the audiobook during a road trip this summer, and I really enjoyed working through it in the car! I think this book, out of the Narnia books I’ve read so far, has the most consistent and subtle Christian undertones which I really appreciate! Rather than a couple large, obvious moments like some of the other books, this one seems to continually surprise you with when there is a Christian metaphor or analogy. It is a really powerful and engaging story.

4. Let’s Study James by Sinclair Ferguson


It’s hard to mess up a book like this as long as you have solid theology, but I really enjoyed going through this book with my Bible Study last year! Here’s my Goodreads review:

This companion to the book of James is a great in depth study! The pacing through the book is great, and the insights are helpful and convicting. Sometimes the discussion questions were a little difficult to answer, but it still always created good conversations!

5. The Night Shift by Alex Finlay


Another thriller audiobook – who’s surprised? This story has a pretty intriguing plot, pace, and characters overall. I think listening to it made the different perspectives confusing at times. The twists and reveals were definitely surprising, and the killer reveal in particular was disgusting and unrealistic in the sense that I hope these kinds of things never actually happen.

6. The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory


I had such high hopes for this historical fiction romance based on its fame, but unfortunately for me it didn’t quite meet expectations. It definitely made me interested in how the British Royal tree looks, but that was the extent of my further interest. Here’s my Goodreads review:

This book was much slower than I expected and also way more romantic than historical. I’m not 100% sure of the historical accuracy of the entire book, but I did find much of the drama fascinating because I was unfamiliar with the details behind Anne Boleyn outside of her death. There was too much time spent on events that were either repetitive (dancing) or mundane (most of Mary’s time in the country). I think it could have been a couple hundred pages shorter. Especially because the first third is when Katherine is still queen and there was so much anticipation for Anne becoming queen that I kind of just wanted to rush through those early parts. A very interesting time in history but not my cup of tea for a novel.

7. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng


My most recent read and also one of the best by far! I had been hesitant to read it for a while expecting that it would be a boring adult slice of life kind of book, but I was way off. This one was totally worth picking up! Here’s my Goodreads review:

This book was so engaging and wild. The intertwining stories were so chaotic yet realistic. I felt myself truly empathizing on all fronts and also disliking so many characters. The writing was fantastic and the plot completely intriguing. I have no idea where I fall on the case that happens, and I felt like I could totally see where both parties were coming from. Highly recommend giving this a try!

What have you been reading this summer? Give me some good recommendations in the comments as we enter the cozy season.

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